Cadeby Miners System of Fines For Slackers

January 1916

Yorkshire post, January 17, 1916

Cadeby Miners System of Fines For Slackers

At Doncaster on Saturday John Gough filler at Cadeby mine, or summer and under the Workmen and employers act with being absent from work on the afternoon shift on 8 December, and the morning shift of the 16th, 28th and 29th.

Mr Frank Allen appeared for the company, who claimed £3.

Mr John Cox, the manager of the mine, explained that the broken time question was dealt with by a committee of the management and the men. If a man did not make 80% of full-time he was summoned before this committee, and if he had no reasonable excuse to offer the was fined, the fines ranging from 2s 6d to 20s.

The fines were sent to registered charities selected by the men themselves.

If after being fined, a man-made full-time for six weeks the fine was remitted.

Gough was called before the Committee and fined 12s 6d , which he refused to pay.

The slackness in work was a very serious matter. The branch of the Miners Association call meetings of the men, and done all they could to induce them to keep good time. The absence of a filler on a shift cost the company good deal more than the 15s claim. There was a great difficulty in supplying the Navy, munition factories, and France was the coal required.

Absence been proved, defendant, who produced a medical certificate for the 28th and 29th December, where you are suffering from influenza, was ordered to pay 12s 6d and 21s costs.