South Yorkshire Times October 22, 1955
Californian Visitors
Two Californian ladies visited Conisbrough last week as a guest of the reverent R.E.Kendall, the Wesley Methodist minister of Kirk–Cliffe, Sheffield Road and Mrs Kendall.
They are Miss Muriel Duncan and Miss Arlene Grayber will come from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.
They are spending a sabbatical year. Every seven years are given a year’s holiday on half pay from the school where they both work. They are given the year to spend on educational touring. The two visitors stayed at the home of Mr and Mrs Kendall from Saturday until Monday. Mr and Mrs Kendall met their friends in China when Mr Kendall was a missionary during the war. Mr Duncan and Miss Grayber were working in the Red Cross at the time.
Mr Duncan is a vice principal of Garden High School, where there are over 3500 pupils in the co-educational school. Miss Grayber is a health officer for the school. They will now go on to France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany