Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 19 February 1892
Cantata at Denaby Main.
The people of Denaby Main and their neighbours had a musical treat provided for them on Monday night, when the beautiful cantata, “Jesus of Nazareth ” (Oswald Allan) was successfully produced.
The schoolroom was well filled with an appreciative audience, several of the elite of the district being present. Fully 80 performers took part, and Mr. Moses Soar, who is so well known for his many excellent musical qualities, must have been assiduous in his work of training the younger portion of the choir. Too much commendation cannot be expressed to those who in any was assisted to make the affair a success and the evening one of pleasurable enjoyment.
The band discoursed exhilarating music, and the choir contributed sweet choruses. The principals were as follows :—
Sopranos: Misses Fuller and Scott; contralto, Misses Brammer and Herring, and Master Flinders; Tenors: Messrs. A. Brown and Hoyle; Bass: Messrs. A. Pimple and Hughes.
The band was composed as follows: violins. Messrs. Black (principal). Firth. Smithson and Parkin, and Miss Gerty Soar; 2nd violins, Messrs. Patrick (principal). Shepherd, and Chadwick : viola, Mr. Hughes; ‘cellos, Messrs. Fletcher and Witty; bass, Mr. Corbridge ; flute. Mr. A. Ashton; clarionettes, Messrs. Chambers and Gregory; cornets (1st :and 2nd). Messrs. Trout and Wright ; euphonium. Mr. Blair; organist, Miss Clara Soar.
The first part of the programme was occupied with the cantataand was opened by the band, followed by the chorus, ” How beautiful His childhood.” which was applauded. Mr. Popple then rose for the solo. ” He scorned not toil to earn His bread,” and the recitation ”now John the Baptist rooted the land,” both being ably rendered.
This opened the way for the choruses, “Young and fair, and old and gray,” and “To spread the light the Saviour comes.” Those concerned in this acquitted themselves well. The Misses Fuller and Hammier sang in a pleaspug style, “The sacred rite at length is o’er,” and the choir, for And Satan now hath tried to tempt,” received well-earned applause; while Messrs. Hoyle, Brown. and Nixon were equally successful in the trio. “Upon the mount the Saviour stood.” Miss Fuller. in the solo and chorus, “O’er the deep blue waters,” sang in a touching manner, and the company heartily cheered her; and Mr. Nixon made himself heard when singing “His loved disciples then He chose.” at the close of which there was an outburst of acclamation.
After the prayer. ” Gracious Saviour, tender Shepherd,” the choir was loudly cheered for giving excellent renderings of “From the cares of the world,” and “God sent teacher.” Then appeared the Misses Fuller and Brammer and Mr. Brown in the trio, Weary despairing.” in which Miss Fuller gave evidence of her vocal powers, and the tender voice of Miss Brammer appealed to the emotional feelings of the company. Duet Miss Scott and Master Flinders delighted the audience while singing as a duet, “Who is it passeth ? the blind man cried.” for which they were highly complimented. Mr. Hughes, in “Hear ye now.” led off cheerful chorus and both were applauded and Mr. Hoyle, in the sob prior to the chortle, “The griefs and cares of weary veers,” was the recipient of congratulations.
After the singing of “And as it had been prophesied,” the band played a triumphal march, and it must be said that their whole playing was one of triumph! “The first-class singing of the chorus, “Oh praises to Almighty God” and the choral march and finale. ” Hosanna to the Son of God “brought the cantata to a close, but not without considerable cheering.
After an interval, the second part was proceeded with. The quartet, “God is a spirit” (Sir W. S. Bennett) war beautifully rendered by Misers Soar and Brammer, and Messrs. Brown and Nixon. Miss Puller very creditably sang “The gate of heaven” (B. Tours). Following a selection be the band. Mr. Nixon sang “Calvary” (Paul Rodney). The last on the programme formed a fitting conclusion to the concert, viz. “God so loved the world” (Sir J. Stainer) by Misses Scott and Brammer, and Messrs. Brown and Popple. Mr. Moses Soar, after the gathering had been dispersed received many high encomiums.
The proceeds were for St. Chad’s church choir fund. Consequent on the success of this rendering, Mr. Soar has kindly consented to repeat the cantata in the schoolroom on Monday, Feb 29th for the benefit of the new Wesleyan chapel funds.