Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 15 October 1928
Carting Miners’ Coal.
Denaby Scheme to Cut Delivery Costs.
Early next year some drastic alterations are to be made in the cost of carting the home coal of the miners of the Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries.
At a special meeting of the men, held yesterday in the Miners’ Welfare Institute, Mr. E. T. Hardy, the chief engineer of the collieries, explained the various schemes which he had drafted.
The scheme accepted by the men shows that £750 a year will be handed back to them, and reductions varying from 3d. to 3s. 9d. per load will be made. The large reductions will benefit men living at Sheffield and Thorne, and working at Denaby.
The Coal Carting Committee, it is pointed out, can afford to do this, for at the end of the present year the whole of the buildings and lorries will become the property of the men and free from debt.
Over 3,000 loads coal are delivered each month, the cost of delivery by lorry being much cheaper than by horse and cart. The reductions will come into operation January 1st, 1929,