Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Saturday 26 September 1931
Castle by Night.
Striking Effects of Floodlighting at Conisborough.
Conisborough Castle made a wonderful sight in its cloak of floodlighting last night. The large number of visitors from the outlying area was not disappointed with the spectacle of the old building standing out gallantly into the night from its background of woods and hills, and it could be clearly seen for miles around.
Thirteen lamps, eleven of them of 1,000 watts and of 500 watts, are used in the flood lighting, which is in connection with Faraday celebrations, and they were sufficiently powerful to give the castle majestic and fittingly austere appearance.
Six of the lamps are placed in the courtyard and the rest round the wall, and the installation is permanent to allow of the castle being lit for a period of six weeks, after which it is intended to illuminate it on special occasions.
The floodlighting was to have been put in operation on Wednesday, but the necessary cables did not arrive till yesterday.