Changing Face Of All Saints

November 1969

South Yorkshire Times, November 1, 1969

Changing Face Of All Saints

Denaby Parish Church has emerged from years of foliage to present a sparkling new face to the World in the past two months.

And the reason is that since the induction of the Rev. Reg, Davies as Vicar in September, volunteer members of the congregation have been clearing away the staid exterior to reveal a few things that haven’t been seen in a long time.

Among these are pipes.

‘We found drains we never knew existed when we cleared all the foliage from the outside of the church,” said Mr. Davies. “Now the water runs away much better.”

The clean-up campaign which has swept the cobwebs from the church has been organised by the new Vicar and the church committee.

Three New Services

Mr. Davies, who came with his wife and family from a parish in the docks area of Hull, has brought in three new services, including a baptism service believed to be unique to the area, in which each child is presented to the congregation at a special ceremony.

There are also wedding preparation classes and a new communion service—and all are being appreciated.

Renovations, too. “We are trying to follow a continuing process to make the church look better, which will eventually lead to the redecoration of the building,” said the Vicar.

His verdict after seven weeks in Denaby? It is too early to say what are the problems and the blessings, but I am I enjoying it very much indeed,” he said.