Chesterfield Town 2  Denaby United  0 – Chesterfield’s Easy Win.

26 February 1912

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 26 February 1912

Chesterfield’s Easy Win.

Chesterfield Town 2  Denaby United  0

The game between Chesterfield and Denaby United, which took place at the Recreation Ground Saturday, was not productive of exciting football. Play, particularly on the visitors’ part, was of a disappointing character. Their forwards seemed capable of good mid-field play, but when they got within the goal region they showed a strange lack of the necessary finishing touch their threatening rushes. The visitors’ defence, however, deserves high praise, their full backs, Swinbourne and Dawson, setting up a stonewall defence throughout the game.

Chesterfield’s experiment in introducing a trio of new forwards was only fairly successful. Wilkinson, who scored the two goals, displayed much skill and tact, and this young player will undoubtedly accomplish great things for the Town Club. Taylor, as Revill’s successor at centre forward position, is a powerful kicker, and uses his weight well, but is not yet as nippy as his predecessor. Pickup is a youth of very good build, and a good exponent of the shortpassing game. By winning the third of three matches, the Town players qualified for the overcoats offered by a tailoring firm.

It was only during the week end that the amount paid for Revill’s transfer Stoke transpired. The figure £170, and would have been considerably larger had Chesterfield been able spare “Tommy” a few weeks ago.

Mexborough Town Defeat Hull.

Mexborough Town  2  Hull City Reserve  0

Hull City Reserve came to Mexborough to go under two goals to nothing. The game the whole was a fairly good one, with Hull showing the cleverer footwork.

Mexborough’s dash, however, proved the dominating factor of the argument, and after Gladwin had opened the home team’s score, Tomlinson followed with another.

Hull had plenty of opportunities, but failed to accept the chances that came their way, and Rounds, the home goalkeeper, had the satisfaction of doing a fine afternoon’s work and remaining undefeated at the end of it.

There was again improved attendance, but not sufficiently large to give much hope for the future of the club so far as their Midland League career is concerned.

The takings amounted to £17, which is only half what such a match would have commanded a year or two ago.