Chief Inspector Comments – “Another Brawl at Denaby”

January 1967

South Yorkshire Times January 21, 1967

“Another Brawl at Denaby”

Miner James Cooper appeared at Doncaster West Riding Ct on Saturday as a result of what Chief Insp. Charles Kelly described as “yet another one of these street brawls that seemed to be a feature of weekend life at Denaby.”

Cooper aged 25, of Loversall Street, Denaby, was fined £10, ordered to forfeit £20 of a previous binding over and bound over in £50 for two years.

He pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly and using threatening words and behaviour likely to cause a breach of the preached near the Denaby Main hotel.

Ch. Insp. Kelly said that a crowd gathered when Cooper and another man started fighting and some tried to separate them. When the police arrived the other man went away. Cooper, who was drunk, fell to the ground and had to be assisted to his feet.

“Cooper shouted,’ let me get at him’ and had to be held back. He was making threats towards the other man, his wife, his mother and his sister who were present.

“His wife visited the police station and asked that he be kept in the cells for fear that he would assault her if he was released,” said Ch. Insp. Kelly. He added that Cooper had several previous convictions.

Cooper told the magistrates: “I can only apologise to my wife, my mother and my sister. It is about time I left the beer alone.”