Sheffield Daily Telegraph June 4, 1927
Children’s Outgrown and Cast Off Boots and Shoes
The committee of the Royal Infirmary Convalescent Home (known as the Godfrey Walker home, Conisborough) will welcome the gift of outgrown or discarded boots and shoes for the use of children patients in the Home.
The children who vary in age from 6 to 12, come, in many cases, from homes where the full force of the unfortunate industrial upheaval was felt, and many are poorly shod.
To get the full benefit of the beautiful grounds at Conisborough and regain their strength lost after a serious illness, children need to run around the grass and paths, which are so often damp.
Gifts of boots and shoes as above mentioned for these children will be gladly collected on receipt of the note to the Secretary, Mr JW Barnes, at the Infirmary.