Civic Sunday

June 1945

South Yorkshire Times June 9, 1945

Civic Sunday

It was unfortunate for the Chairman of the Conisbrough Urban Council (Councillor I.Houghton, J.P.) that the usual procession for civic Sunday was marred by inclement weather on Sunday and also that many of the public bodies have now been disbanded in the ranks of the procession and attendance at the service will therefore somewhat depleted.

In spite of bad weather many did turn out, and the St John ambulance Brigade band (conducted by bandmaster R.Whittington) played the parade to and from the church.

At the church there were several representatives of public bodies and members of the Council and officials, including councillors G Oldfield, R H Shephard, T Shepard, D Sheldon, B Roberts, A W Wright, H Gomersall and G Cheshire and Mr R.W Birch (clerk), Mr H Thirlwall (surveyor), Mr Whitehead (Treasurer) and from the staff Messrs A W R Taylor, C Urch, J Troughtan and, C Gethin,A Jones, Mrs Croxall and Mr C R Sanderson.

Mr S R Johnson represented the Fullerton hospital, Mr Moodie Conisbrough Garden Society, Miss Packwood the Conisbrough schools, Dr D.T.Clark the medical profession and the public bodies.

In attendance were members of the Conisbrough and Denaby Police Force, officers and men of the St John ambulance Brigade and nursing division, officers and members of the Scouts and NFS and major P Brocklesby (Home Guard) with several members of the parochial church council.

The Vicar of Denaby Main, the venerable Maurice Clark, and run up a special form of service which was greatly appreciated.

The choir sang an anthem “Sing Halleluia Forth in Duteous Praise.” (E Thiman) and at the end of the service three choirboys (A Rufus, K Wren and A Richardson) gave the introit “God be in my head” Walford Davies close brackets

the first letter was read by the chairman of the council (Councillor Houghton) and the second letter by Mr RW Birch (clerk to the council)

The Vicar gave a short talk in the course of which he said “ We have prayed for you and your Council and I wish to you all good luck in the name of the Lord. It is up to you to try to make this township as we and you would like it to be, and we hope your term of office will be blessed.”

The collection was given to the Fullerton hospital. Mr E Dabbs was at the organ.