Claim Against the Denaby Main Colliery Company

April 1899

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 14 April 1899

Claim Against the Denaby Main Colliery Company

Yesterday, the Doncaster County Court, action was brought by Selina Stevenson, of Denaby. to recover £194 from the Main Colliery Company for damages for the loss of her husband The case was brought under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, and was the first one heard at this court, before Judge Masterman.

Mr. Mellor, barrister, instructed Messrs. Raby and Son, of Barnsley, appeared for the Yorkshire Miners’ Association, and Mr. Powell, barrister, instructed Mr. Alfred Taylor, appeared for the Ocean Insurance Company, in which the Denaby Main Colliery Company are insured.

On behalf the plaintiff, it was stated that on the 15th September Mrs. Stevenson’s husband lost his life in the pit. When filters had no other duty to do their occupation was pick up old props which had been put up to keep up the roof. The deceased had picked up a disused prop, and when raising the roof fell upon him and crushed and killed him.

For the defence, it was urged that it was not the deceased’s duty to knock the props down.

The Judge said it was not the duty of the filler to remove the props, but the deceased deliberately tried to remove bent prop standing its proper place, and so caused the fall of the roof which killed him.

Judgment for the defendants.