Claim for Damages Caused by a Ferret

October 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 21 October 1892

Claim for Damages Caused by a Ferret

Last Thursday, at Doncaster County Court, Albert Martin of Conisborough claimed 7s. for rabbits destroyed by a ferret belonging to George Singleton of Conisborough.

Mr Baddiley was in the case.

Amongst the witnesses was police constable Truman, who when questioned by the solicitor, acknowledged that 1s 6d or 1s 9d would be a fair price to pay.

The plaintiff had said he wanted 10 shillings and the defendant said he would not pay. He was told he would be made to paint. They were not show rabbits. He admitted he was not an authority as to the value of the rabbits. (Laughter).

Verdict for the plaintiff