Closure Of Laundry – Conisbrough Hospital Board Perturbed

July 1946

South Yorkshire Times, July 20th, 1946

Closure Of Laundry.
Conisbrough Hospital Board Perturbed.

When the Doncaster and Mexborough Joint Hospital Committee met on Wednesday two members described the closure of the Conisbrough Isolation Hospital laundry during one week this month as unprecedented in their long service on the Board.

The matter was the subject of a report to the House Committee which stated that the laundry had not worked owing to the absence on holiday of the engineer, and the House Committee recommended payment of wages to the laundress any unemployment insurance benefits.

Coun. T. Seriven thought it was a sorry state of affairs if when the engineer ??? away the laundry could not work. Was there no one to take his place?

Dr. J. W. McLure (Medical Superintendent) explained that the man who usually ‘kept the wheels’ turning while the engineer was on holiday had that week been away ill.

Coun. T. Baynham considered that at all times there should be someone there who could attend to the running of the laundry. It only needed a resolution to that effect. They, the Board, not the doctor or the matron, had been to blame, but they wanted to do better in the future.

Coun. Mrs. M. E. Ringrose thought a resolution was not required; an instruction would be sufficient.