Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Thursday 02 March 1899
Coal Merchant Bankrupt repays Debts
Mr. R. H. Sharp, of Conisborough, who, years’ ago, suspended payment, has just forwarded to his’ creditors, per Messrs. Hart, Moss, and Co. of Rotherham, cheques representing the balance of debts.
Messrs. Hart Moss, and Co. state that it had always been Mr. Sharp’s intention to pay all his creditors in full.
The amount of Mr. Sharp’s liabilities in 1876 approached £3,000 (todays value £383,000) and as he obtained his discharge in the bankruptcy court there was, course, not the slightest legal liability his part to pay the amount. Mr. Sharp’s creditors were mostly in the South Yorkshire District, he having been a coal merchant inSheffield and Rotherham.
He was formerly a member of the Rotherham Town Council.