Coal Miner’s Ballot

June 1921

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 04 June 1921

Coal Miner’s Ballot

The preparations for taking a ballot on the question of dropping the demand for a national pool and the acceptance or rejection of the terms offered by the Coal-owners’ Federation are, as I write. Complete, and from what one hears in casual conversations with colliery workers. there seems to be a very strong feeling that work will lie resumed at the earliest date possible.

There is no doubt that men are tired of doing nothing, and the consequent lack of the means to procure those things which make life enjoyable.

They are aware that the longer they are “laking” the heavier is the future mortgage. Advances from the guardians, the meals served to school children under the auspices of the education authority, and other forms of assistance with regard to food and other necessities may all have to be paid for out of future earnings, and the careful man feels that if the terms offered are not all that he would wish for, he must ‘accept them if they are all that can he secured for the present. It has been a prolonged struggle, but generally spotting the men and lads have maintained their good reputation.

Here and there farmers have found blanks where once the hedges were supported by stakes and new and again timber has been cut which was not quite “dead,” but these are minor lapses which one neglects in taking a broad view.