Mexborough and Swinton Times July 26, 1895
The Coal Stealing at Denaby Main
Two young women of respectable demeanour Catherine Casey and Mary McHale, the former a single and the latter a married woman, were charged jointly with stealing two stone of coal, the property of the Cadeby Main Colliery Company at Cadeby on 12 July.
Mr Pawson solicitor was for the prosecution, Mr Harry Witty appearing on behalf of the company.
Mr Rawson, in opening, said the prisoners were charged with stealing the coal on Friday, when PC Evans being on duty on the Denaby road saw the two defendants. They were coming from the direction of the colliery, and were wheeling a barrow. The barrel was covered with a sack, and also with an apron. Upon being accosted they alleged that they had picked some coal up by the archway, but had not taken any from the heat. The barrel was found to contain five stone of coal. The police man afterwards search the archway, but found no trace of coal there. The company wished to put a stop to these continual thefts, they wished people to know that living near a colliery did not entitle them to take coal.
PC Evans corroborated the solicitor’s statements. When he went up to them he said, “What have you got there?” And they answered “if you bits of call which we have picked up at the archway.” Witness informed them that the matter would be reported to Mr Chambers, the general manager of the collieries. Defendant Casey and treated him to say nothing about it this time, as husband had been ill, and she had not been able to buy the call in the usual way. The value was about 6d. He had previously been under the archway and there was no coal there then. They were coming from the direction of the colliery sidings.
Defendants, in answer to the charge said, “We are guilty, but not to stealing the coal.” (Laughter)
The defendants were dealt with under the First Offenders Act and bound over to come up for judgement when called upon.