Collier’s Musical Tastes Speedily Vanish.

May 1909

Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Monday 17 May 1909

Collier’s Musical Tastes

Speedily Vanish.

Joseph Rothery, collier, Denaby, was charged at the Doncaster West Riding Court, to-day, with stealing a dulcephone value £5 10s, belonging to Arthur B. Dodds, musical instrument dealer, St Sepulchre Gate. Doncaster.

Prisoner obtained the instrument on the hire-purchase system, and agreed to pay for it by instalments of 2s. 6d. per week. The sale took place on the 12th April, and an agreement was signed and stamped.

On the 19th April prisoner went to Ray’s pawnshop and the instrument for 15s., and on the 24tn he sold the ticket for 6s. 6d. to a man named Luke Marriott, who redeemed the article the same day.

In pleading guilty prisoner said would have paid for the machine when they called for his money.

He was committed to prison for one month