Colliery Discipline

December 1910

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 03 December 1910

Colliery Discipline

Mr Frank Allen appeared for the Denaby and Cadeby Colliery Company in a couple of cases brought by them in connection with breaches of special colliery rules 97 and 99.

The first event was Arthur Gough, who is occupied as a filler and who pleaded not guilty.

Mr Allen said defendant struck his corporal with his lamp whilst he was dressing in the Cadeby pit. The act caused both lamps to go out. It was a grave misuse of the lamp, and might have cause serious trouble.

Cecil Lindley, the corporal in question, said defendant kicked his lamp over, and struck him with his own. He had to borrow a lamp to get out of the working.

Gough elected to be sworn in in his own defence and said he accidentally knocked the lamp over. The lamp should have been hung up and not on the floor, and the corporal was committing an offence in having it there. Lindley knocked him in the mouth, and he in turning round, also caught the corporal with his lamp.

The Chairman said the bench considered the offence was trumped up although the charge was a small one. Defendant would be fined 15 shillings inclusive.

The other defendant, John Livesey, alias William Drabble, did not appear. He was charged with having a match in his possession.

Frank Walton, Lampman, spoke to seeing defendant with a match behind his ear on Monday morning. He spoke to defendant, who said he had forgotten about it.

A fine of 12/6 was imposed