Colliery presentation at Denaby.
Departure of Mr George Cook.
Eulogies and testimonies
An interesting presentation took place at the Denaby main hotel on Saturday evening when Mr George Cook was the recipient on behalf of himself and Mrs Cook, of a number of valuable presents , the gifts of the workmen and officials of the Cadeby main colliery.
Mr Cork has been under manager at the Cadeby main colliery the last two years and he resigned his position to take up a similar post at the Wath Main colliery. He was popular and respected and his departure from Denaby main has caused general regret there.
The presentation, which was performed by Mr W.H.Chambers (managing director of the Denaby and Cadeby main collieries) put the farm of an all case grandfather clock and gold chronometer for Mr Cook, and a gold bangle for Mrs Cook. A silver mounted walking stick, inscribed “a token of respect from the officials are workmen of the Cadeby main colliery, from the men on active service in the Indian hospital, Brighton.” was received from the Denaby St John’s ambulance man now with the colours.
Mr J.A.Kelsall, secretary of the Cadeby main branch of the Yorkshire miners Association, opened the proceedings. He said they all knew that when Mr. Cook came amongst them, he came as a perfect stranger, but during the two years he had been with them he had proved herself a true friend of the workers and a good servant of the Colliery Company.
Mr D.O. Graham then read a letter from Mr John Cocks, manager of the Cadeby Main Colliery. After apologising for his inability to be present, and conveying a warm tribute to Mr. Cook´sl work at the colliery, he said that Mr. Cook´s unfailing tact and zeal had been primarily responsible for the better feeling that had prevailed between the men and the officials at the Cadeby Main Colliery. He wished Mr and Mrs Cook health, long life and prosperity.
Mr Chambers said that he very much appreciated the honour they had conferred upon him in asking him to hand over those gifts. Whilst Mr. Cook was in the service of the company they had every reason to be satisfied with his work, and whilst he was a good servant of the company, he was also treated fairly the men who were under him – and that was just what they wanted. He hoped Mr.Cook had not made a mistake and that he would never regret the step he had taken. The fact that they had subscribed so handsomely and got together those valuable presents was ample evidence that the work amongst them had been appreciated.
Mr Cook in responding, thanked them on behalf of himself and Mrs Cook for the valuable and beautiful presents. He would value them very much on account of the spirit that prompted the men and officials to make that presentation. The chairman, he said, had remarked on the good feeling that existed between them. Although he (the speaker) had not had great experience in the management of workers, yet he thought that to have a good feeling between the Masters and men was a very essential thing, and it was indeed the first thing he set out to obtain when he came to Cadeby. Referring to his working at Cadeby, he thought he knew a bit about work in the colliery, but you learn some things at Cadeby, that would be very valuable to him. In conclusion, he said that he would value these gifts as long as he lived, and he thought he would live to see the time when those beautiful timepieces, besides helping him not to forget the time, would help him not to forget the chaps at Denaby. (Applause.)