Commander’s Farewell – Praise of K.0.Y.L.I. Men

October 1929

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 07 October 1929

Commander’s Farewell.

Colonel Barber’s Praise of K.0.Y.L.I. Men at Conisborough.

Bidding farewell “B” company of the 5th Batt. of the K.0.Y.L.1. Regiment, which he has commanded for seven years, at the annual presentation of prizes at the Conisborough Drill Hall on Saturday, Colonel N- E. Barber expressed his gratification to the company for the splendid manner in which they had supported him since their inception, and congratulating them on their excellent reputation, hoped they would never look back, but accord his successor the same loyal support.

Continuing, Colonel Barber said that the first essentials of a good company was that they should be good and keen work and play. “B” company had won so many prizes that was sure they had achieved both objectives. As Captain Smith was to be second in command, he was sorry they would have to lose him, because he had made the company what it was.

Captain A. Smith, who presided, said that the company had one absentee camp, hospital case, and that only one of 114 men failed to qualify. They entered all the six competitions for trophies and won five.

Colonel E. H. Hamilton, who has just returned from Germany, and who is succeeding Colonel Barber, also addressed the men.

The presentation of the prizes was made by Colonel Barber, and the chief winners were:—

Shooting. Corpl Ashton; miniature range, Sergt. Squires, Pte. Thompson, and Mr. Kelly (hon. member); tug-of-war, Sergt. Robins’ team; best-turned-out man, Pte. Thompson; best section, L.-Corpl. Knight (No. 5 Section); best brigade guard, Sergt. Cheetham’s guard; Lewis gun competition, Pte. Stephenson; recruits’ musketry, Pte. Thompson;

Football cup. Sergt. West’s XL;

Boxing cups, Pte. Oldfield (catch-weight), Pte. Leighton (light heavy-weight); heavy-weight shield, L.-Corpl. Faulkner; Colonel Barber’s platoon cup, No. 5 Platoon (Sergt. Robins); Battalion boxing challenge cup, Corpl. Jones; running, Pte. Hinchliffe; Battalion sports shield, Corpl. Jepson.