Mexborough & Swinton Times, February 23, 1907
Compensation for a Conisborough Druid.
Conviviality Under Difficulties.
The meeting of the Conisborough Lodge of the Rotherham Equalised Druids, held at the Star Hotel, Conisborough, on Saturday evening, was imbued with a determination to rise superior to unlooked for circumstance.
The occasion was a presentation of a compensation grant to a brother who had been so unfortunate as to sustain a serious accident. Therefore, the local Druids had repaired in strong force to the Lodge room, in order to enjoy a combination of fraternal sentiments and harmony.
With the former commodity they were amply supplied, but the conviviality of the meeting received something of a setback, on account of the failure of the pianist to make his appearance. It is an ill wind that blows one any good, however, and every evil has its compensating benefit.
Thus, the chairman, Mr John Lowe, reminded his audience that a pianist very often, instead of creating harmony, trounced the dulcet tones of the singer, thus spoiling, instead of enhancing the effect. Someone murmured “sour grapes” but the company generally entered thoroughly into the spirit of the occasion, and urged forward by the chairman’s reminder that one volunteer was worth two pressed men several of the company rose from time to time, and gave off their best vocal, which lost none of its effectiveness by reason of the absence of accompaniment.
The secretary to the Lodge (Mr H. Piper), indicated conclusively the prosperity of the Star of Hope Lodge, by the statement that contributions during the last year had amounted to £193 13s 4d, from an adult membership of 111 and of this amount £97 7s 6d had been dispersed in sick pay.