Conisboro’ Notes. -Good (?) Friday At Conisboro”

April 1909

Mexborough and Swinton Times October 4, 1909

Conisboro’ Notes.

Good (?) Friday At Conisboro”

Preparation preparations s are now practically complete for the entertainment of the rabble that invades Conisboro’ on Good Friday. The shows, stalls, horses, ostriches, motor-cars, etc., are nearly ready to draw money from those to whom this species of entertainment appeals, and judging from the time the show folks spend here, generally the full week, there must be a good number of people ready to indulge in, this way on a day which has such a sacred significant to all sober-minded people.

One thing, however, that is gratifying to know is that this noisy festival seems to be on the decline , and each year there is a noticeable decrease in the number of shows and the number of visitors.

There is no doubt that if the shows were dependent on Conisboro’ residents for their support there would not be half the quantity, and it would undoubtedly mean that Good Friday would come to be regarded in Conisboro’ in a manner more in keeping with the sacrifice which is associated with the day.

Conisbrough tolerates the sacrilege – White is difficult to understand. But it cannot be said that Conisbrough enjoyed, or even likes it, and the majority of the inhabitants would not be at all sorry see the last of it, but would, on the contrary feel somewhat relieved