Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 12 September 1902
A Conisboro’ School Board Member Summoned.
A Charge of Drunk and Disorderly.
At the Doncaster West Riding Police Court on Saturday, Edward Ravenscroft, a miner, of Conisboro’, and a member of the School Board, was charged in custody with having been drunk and disorderly, at Conisborough on the 5th Sept.
A police-officer stated that at 10.40 p.m., on the night of September 5, he was on duty in Low road, Conisborough, in company with Inspector Watson, when they saw the defendant, who was very drunk, and making use of very bad language.
Witness spoke him respecting his conduct, and be made further use of obscene language. Inspector Watson spoke to him, and he again made further use of obscene language. He refused to give his name and address, so they took him to the station and locked him up.
lnspector Watson gave corroborative evidence, and the defendant, who had nothing to say, was fined 5s and the costs, 4s.