Conisboro’ Sensation – Gas Manager’s Downfall -Three Months For Embezzlement. “

March 1910

Mexborough and Swinton Times March 20, 1910

Conisboro’ Sensation.
Gas Manager’s Downfall.
Gets Three Months For Embezzlement.
” If it Hadn’t Been for the Drink.”

“It’s bad company, drink, and gambling that brought me to this,” pleaded Walter Blenco (46), gasworks manager, who, at Doncaster on Saturday, was sentenced to three months’ hard labour for embezzling £72 17s.6d., monies of the Conisboro’ Gas Company.

Blenco was for nearly five years manager of the Conisboro’ Gasworks, coming there from Woodhouse, and he was highly respected in the district. He occupied an official position in the local branch of the Shemeld Equalised’ Druids.

On Wednesday, March 16th, Blenco, left the district, and all sorts of rumours spread about. It was at first thought he had taken a big sum of money with him, but this, view was dispelled when he surrendered himself  to the local police on Saturday. His arrest was the sensation of the week-end in the Conisboro’ district.

On Monday he was brought before the magistrates, and remanded in custody till the following day, when he appeared before, Mr. J. W. Hodgson (Chairman), Mr. T. Chambers, Mr. E. W. Jackson, and Mr. H. Payne. He seemed to feel his position mutely, and as he went below after being sentenced, it was noticed that he was on the point of breaking down.

Censored for Drunkenness

Mr J.L Turner, of Rotherham, who prosecuted on behalf of the gas company, explained that part of his duties was to see to the collection of the slot meter money. He had been in the service of the company for five years, and except on one occasion when he was censored by the directors for drinking he had collected the money week. That’s right here very

In the week stated the amount collected was £379 19s 2d, £300 of which had been taken in copper to the Sheffield Bank. Prisoner promised to take the remaining money to the Mexboro’ Bank that week.

Been Too Busy.

The £70, however; had not been paid in, and witness wrote four or five times pressing him to pay it in. On March 3rd, the date of the annual general meeting, witness spoke to him about it, and his excuse was that he had really been too busy to take the money to Mexboro’. On March 16th, a complaint was made to the chairman, and on the 18th inst., by advice of the directors, a warrant was taken out.

Charles Oswald, fitter, collector, and general assistant to the Conisboro’ Gas Company, spoke to receiving receipts for £370 19s. t2.d.. from the prisoner for monies collected, which were his (witness’s) collections up to January 19th. Since that date, witness had collected incidental sums, amounting to £3 18s. 4d., which had also been paid over to prisoner.

Mr. Caleb Kilner, J.P., of Ivanhoe House, Conisboro’, said he was chairman of the directors of the Gas Company. On the 17th inst., he opened the prisoner’s, safe in the office, where he found £2 instead of £70 odd’ that ought to have been there in copper. Witness had, previously had aninterview with the prisoner.

Prisoner’s Regret.

P.s. Ramsey deposed to receiving a message from prisoner, and to arresting him subsequently at Conisboro’ railway station. In reply to the warrant, prisoner said, “Yes.”

Prisoner pleaded guilty, and hoped the Bench would take his previous good character into consideration. ‘ It’s getting into bad company; drink and gambling has brought me to this,” he continued. “I was teetotal from 1885 to a year and a half ago, and I wish I had remained so. I have a  wife and family of little children, and I hope your worships will be as lenient with me as you can.