Conisboro’ U.D.C. – Chat About Chairs

November 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 11 November 1932

Conisboro’ U.D.C.

Winter Sports

New Uses for Baths Hall

Chat About Chairs

A recommendation of the Baths Committee that 100 folding chairs at 7s 2d. each be obtained for use in the Baths Hall during the winter provided the main topic of discussion at the monthly meeting of the Conisborough Urban Council on Wednesday, Mr H. Gomersall presiding.

Mr. J. I. Webster said he was not satisfied. They had two different types of chair before them for consideration on Monday from different people and he understood they were now going to get the chairs from Sheffield. He thought they ought to get them in Conisborough if they could. He wanted to know where the chairs were to come from and whether any member of the Council had any interest in the firm which was to supply them.

Mr. J. T. E. Collins said the Council felt that if the first lot was not satisfactory they could get the next from somewhere else. He understood the chairs were English and thought the committee had done perfectly right. Folding chairs would not take up so much room as the other type.

Mr. Webster: My point is that Conisborough people were not asked to tender for folding chairs. I don’t see why we should go to Sheffield.

A “Rap.”

Mr. H. H. Wray: I think Mr. Webster is trying to get a rap at me, but I am not particular. What I have done is for the benefit of the ratepayers. Mr. Webster last month objected to the Council paying £1 3d 6d the difference on two tenders for pricy conversions, saying he wanted to save the ratepayers’ money. I joined the Council for that purpose. I think I have sold as many chairs in Conisborough as anyone, and should know something about them. As regards a councillor getting something out of the transaction. I shall get nothing and should refuse anything if it were offered. I think the chairman will remember that when these chairs were being considered he was pressing for a seconder and looked at me and I absolutely refused, giving him to understand that I had an interest in them, though not a monetary interest.

Mr. H. W. Gillott said he supported the recommendation to buy folding chairs because he was taking advantage of the last advice they had on the subject at that moment.

Mr. Wray said he bought the folding chairs on his own responsibility because he thought they were suitable.

Shop At Home

Mr. T. Morgan: I agree with Councillor Webster. If we are interested in saving the ratepayers money we should also spend our money among the ratepayers.

Mr. Ben Roberts said he was under the impression that they could not get the same quality at the sam price locally. There was no reason why they should not ask local people to tender.

Mr. Webster: I want to know why Conisborough people were not asked to quote.

Mr. Collins: The Council have no objection to local people being asked to quote, and it we find the quotation is higher than that of outside firms surely the Council would have the outside firms chains. Mr. Collins added that he understood at least one local quotation was sent in.

Mr. Webster. I know one local firm was asked to tender, but not for folding chairs. I move this minute he referred back and we ask local dealers to send in quotations for folding chairs.

Mr. Morgan seconded.

Mr. Collins asked it the question could not be reconsidered at a special meeting of the Council next week. Could they get local quotations in time for the meeting?

The reference back was lost, and Mr. Collin moved that the matter be reconsidered at the special meeting and that they invite local tenders meanwhile.


The Chairman said it seemed peculiar that most of the councillors were present when the matter was discussed in committee and now some were altering their minds. He wished to avoid upsetting something that had been done in good faith. He would prefer that something was done in regard to the next order for chairs, as they were anxious to get the Baths Hall equipped.

Mr. Gillott said he could not see any sense in reconsidering the matter. The person to blame was the man who invited the tenders and did not ask tor tenders for folding chairs.

Mr. Collins: We have learned something to-night. We did not hear on Monday that local people had not tendered …..

The Chairman: Nor did you ask.

Mr. Collins: We learn now that only one local firm was asked.

Mr. Collins’s resolution was defeated.

Winter Use of the Baths Hall.

Mr. Roberts, chairman of the Baths Committee, had previously reported on the work of the sub- committee appointed to discover how the baths could he put to profitable and beneficial use during the winter. The recommendations of the committee which were confirmed, fixed charges for the use of the hall for dances, public meetings and boxing tournaments. Other suggestions included the provision of a badminton outfit, boxing stage, additional lighting, punch balls, a rowing machine, and skipping ropes. A charge of 3d. per person will be made for the use of this equipment.

Mr. Roberts said they felt that they would be doing something of benefit to the township and making the Baths Hall a source of income.

Boots for Bairns.”

Mr. Collins gave n report on the “Boots for Bairn,” conference at Dornaster the previous              Thursday and Mrs Levers, another of the Council’s delegates to the conference expressed herself dissatisfied with the result. She considered a voluntary fund ought to have been set up.

Mr. Collins said he regretted they were not able to do more, but they had at last established the right of a guardians committee to grant assistance in the cases to which they had drawn attention.

The report was accepted.

A Petition.

The Council confirmed a recommendation of the Finance Committee that copies of a resolution submitted by the local unemployed workers be forwarded to the Speaker of the House of Commons and the Prime Minister. The resolution referred to was a request for the release of Mr. Wal Hannington, the National Unemployed Workers Union leader, and the abolition of the means test.

Postal Facilities.

The Clerk (Mr. Spencer Baker) reported that he had written the Rotherham postmaster with reference to the provision of a letter-box near the Denaby Co-operative Society’s premises and had also asked for a Sunday collection. He had received a reply that the Postmaster was negotiating for a suitable position for a letter-box and that provision for a Sunday collection would probably be made at an early date.

Overhead Cables.

Moving the adoption of the minutes of the Sanitary and Highways Committee Mr. H Gomersall referred to the Electrical Distribution of Yorkshire Limited’s proposed overhead cables in Park Road, Doncaster Road and Highfield Road. Personally he objected to the erection of these cables because they spoiled the amenities of the place. They opposed overhead cables in Tickhill Street and held up the scheme for twelve months, but they felt that it was futile to go on arguing with these people. The poles had now been erected, and, in the case of Doncaster Road, Highfield Road and Park Road, amended schemes had been put forward and the Council had raised no objection.


Copies of the Council’s minutes are to be placed in the Denaby and Conisborough libraries.

A special meeting of the Council is to be held on Tuesday to consider the Accountant’s annual report.

Two electric clocks at a cost of £18 5s. each are to be placed on the new tram shelter and conveniences which it is proposed to erect at Conisborough.