Mexborough and Swinton Times January 14
Conisborough Urban Council.
Some Interesting Topics
Mr H.C.Harrison (Chairman) presided at the meeting of the ConisbroughUrban Council, which was held on Wednesday evening.
Rural Libraries.
A circular on the rural libraries scheme was discussed.
Mr Smith moved that the Council should notify the County Educational Committee that they wished to take advantage of the rural libraries scheme in Conisborough. He thought a place of the size and importance of Conisborough really should have a public library of its own, and as it was quite out of the question at the present time he thought they should take advantage of that scheme.
A great number of people, far more than they realised, he thought, were readers, and would like to take advantage of it. It seemed to him that whether they took up that scheme or not they would have to pay for it, because all places not provided with a public library will be rated for that purpose. He thought they would lose money by not taking it up, and would gain money by taking advantage of the scheme.
Mr Norwood said he would have objected to it, as his experience was that the chief reading required consisted of sporting papers.
The chairman said they would have to pay whether they took it up or not.
Mr Norwood said that in that case they may as well take the offer.
The chairman said he was startled at the number of people who did read, and who read deeply and widely.
Mr Holley said he thought they should get hold of what free assistance they could.
It was decided to write to the County Education Committee on the subject.
Sewage Works.
A report on the progress of the sewage works was read, stating that the work was now nearing completion, and inviting the committee to visit the place and view the works. A date was fixed for the visit of the Council.
The Milk Question.
Mr Norwood moved the adoption of the report of the Sanitary and Highways Committee, and said that the milk producers and retailers have been asked to meet the Council, and the meeting should have taken place last month, and it was an amount of negligence from that office. It not taken place. They were invited to meet the Council this month, however. The price of milk at come down somewhat, and they hope to bring it down something more. (Hear, hear).
Heavy Infant Mortality.
Mr Smith asked the doctor how the infant mortality rate of 144.9 per thousand, compared with the mortality rate for the country.
Dr McArthur said the last three months were the worst in the year, and during the last fortnight, there had been a good deal of bronchial catarrh and colds.
Mr Smith said he understood the rate for the country was 100, and that, for Conisbrough, was 144.9.
Dr McArthur said that was the case, but it was not fair to take the figures for three months, and the worst three months of the year at that.
Mr Smith said he thought the death rate was very high. Was not 19.6 per thousand a very high death rate?
Dr McArthur said they could not compare an average of three months. It was unfair, and the years average should be taken.
Mr Smith said the figures given in newspapers quite recently of the death rate in large towns were not as high as that.
Dr McArthur said that even then they vary considerably. One week it might be 20 and the next 10
Mr Smith said he did not think in any week in the quarter they will find any local town having a rate of 19.6. His point was that the chairman of the committee, had congratulated the doctor on his report, and the the death rate was only half the birth rate. It was a very high birth rate, but all the same a very high death rate too.
That German Gun.
A proposal to remove the captured German gun from its present position near the War Memorial was discussed.
Mr Norwood said it was suggested to place the gun at the extreme corner, next to the public convenience. It was to be pointed towards Germany, as a relic of what came from there.
Mr Urch: no disrespect to the gun, I suppose? (Laughter.)
The chairman said the gun was inconvenient if present position.
Mr Norwood: It takes up a great space.
Mr Brocklesby: Is it true someone suggested it should be thrown into the river?
Mr Norwood: It is quite true, but we disagree, because it is a memento from Germany.
Mr Hulley: It is about all we have got. (Laughter.)
The matter was then dropped.