Conisboro’ U.D.C. – Sharing Work – Unemployed’s Suggestions – Cheaper Money

September 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 16 September 1932

Conisboro’ U.D.C.

Sharing the Work

Unemployed’s Suggestions Turned Down

Cheaper Money

At the monthly meeting of the Conisboro’ Urban Council on Wednesday, Mr. Harry Gomersall residing, the Clerk (Mr Spencer Baker) read a letter from the Wombwell Urban Council asking for support for a resolution requesting the Government to bring pressure to bear upon mortgagees to reduce the rates of interest on existing loans.

Cheaper Money.

The Clerk said most of the Conisboro’ Council’s money had been borrowed at about 5 per cent., but some had been borrowed at a higher rate. He did not see why they should not take steps to reduce the interest on some of these loans to 4 per cent.

The Accountant (Mr. G. Brocklesby): It is easier said than done. These loans were for a definite period.

It was decided to support the Wombwell Council’s resolution.

Sharing the Work.

When the minutes of the Sanitary and Highways Committee came up for confirmation, Mr. J. T. E. Collins moved the reference back of a minute to the effect that a letter from Mr. J. Leatherland on behalf of the unemployed be allowed to lie on the table.

Mr. Collins said they ought to give further consideration to Mr. Leatherland’s suggestions, some of which might prove of benefit to the unemployed.

Mr. T. Morgan seconded the reference back, remarking that it was most irregular to ask for suggestions and then to turn them down immediately.

The Chairman: That is not strictly correct. There was quite a long discussion on these suggestions.

The suggestions in Mr. Leatherland’s letter were:

That no person should be employed by the Council at any time, or on any work, or on the rota system, until he had lived in the district for 12 months.

That any person working ten weeks out of 26 was not entitled to the rota work provided by the Council.

That all persons working for the Council should come under the rota system with the exception those paying superannuation at the present time.

That the Council form a sub-committee to employ all labour and the names of the men to be employed be submitted to the Surveyor, who should then notify the Labour Exchange.

That no person be employed over the age of 65.

Suggestions Unfair.

Mr. H. H. Wray said he moved in committee that the letter lie on the table. He had not done so without giving the matter careful consideration. He objected to the suggestion that persons should not be employed under the rota system until they had lived in the district 12 months, because many men, whom this suggestion would affect, might have come into the district with work to go to in the first place, and might have lost that work through no fault of their own. He thought the suggestion unfair. He did not mind the second suggestion, but he had a strong objection to the suggestion that all persons working for the Council should be under the rota system except those paying superannuation. As for the formation of a sub-committee to employ all labour, he did not agree with that or the rest of the suggestion, and thought if it was put into operation the unemployed would find more cause for dissatisfaction than ever.

Mr. Wray also expressed disapproval of the suggestion that the Council should employ no men over the age of 65, “I am nearly 65 myself,” he remarked, “and I don’t think anyone here would dare to say that I could not do a day’s work.” In conclusion, Mr. Wray said he could not withdraw from the position he had taken up at the meeting of the committee, and was still of opinion that the letter should lie on the table.

Mr. Charles Webster said several of the suggestions could be usefully adopted, and supported the reference back, but it was lost by 8 votes to 4 and the minute allowed to stand.

Park Road Dilemma.

Mr. C. E. Webster complained of the absence of a footpath on Park Road, which was at present being sprayed with tar and repaired.

Mr. John Webster said a number of school children used the road. After the road had been dressed with chippings it would for weeks be in a state which would  cause children with inadequate footwear “excruciating torture.”

The Surveyor (Mr. H. Thirlwall) said if they put a footpath on Park Road there would not be sufficient room for vehicular traffic. The estimated cost of widening the road so that a footpath could he provided and vehicular traffic also accommodated was about £7,000.

Mr. J. Webster moved that the Surveyor prepare a scheme for putting the existing Park Road into “proper order,” and submit it to the Council, and this was carried.


The Council have decided upon the adoption of 34 private streets at the Denaby end of the township.

The Council are to ask the police to take steps to check thieving from the allotments.

The quotation of Greathead Bros. of £49 15s. for the supply and erection of 50 seats in the townships has been accepted.

The Swimming Club have been granted the use of the baths for their gala on Oct. 6th.