Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 15 August 1930
Conisboro’ U.D.C.
The Recovery Of Rent Arrears.
A letter from St. Alban’s C.Y.M.S. Club contained a resolution passed at a meeting of the Club that “as citizens and ratepayers of this Council urges the Conisborough Urban Council to take reasonable steps to mover all serious outstanding arrears of rent and rates, and that any such action will receive the fall support of this Council.”
The Clerk said the accountant had advised that “necessary steps” be taken to recover arrears in some instances, and that arrangements be made for tenants to pay off arrears.
Mr. J. Webster said he was pleased to see such letters; it showed that interest was being taken in the work of the Council. It had got into the press recently that rent arrears were just over £700, and they found that £400 to £500 of that sum was incurred by people who had been allowed to go into the houses to alleviate overcrowding. Since then a good deal more supervision had been exercised over the selection of tenants. It would be a difficult matter to recover the £500 as many people owing rent had left the district. He thought a special meeting should be held to go through the list.
The Surveyor: In some instances the arrears will he irrecoverable.
It was agreed on Mr. J. Webster’ suggestion that the letter be considered by the Housing Committee.