Conisborough 3 Cudworth 1

December 1919

heffield Daily Telegraph – Tuesday 30 December 1919


Conisborough 3 Cudworth 1

At Conisborough.

Much interest centred in the meeting of these two mixed teams, both have very good records, Conisborough having played nine matches and won them all, and Cudworth having been successful in seven out of their ten engagements.

A very good game ensued, each side having the play in turn, Conisborough in the first half and Cudworth in the second, though Conisborough’s play was not up to usual standard.

All Conisborough’s goals were scored by B. B, Clarkson, and for Cudworth H. L. Sunderland scored with a good shot.

Result:— Conisborough 3 Cudworth 1