Conisborough Agricultural Society’s Annual Show

July 1909

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Tuesday 06 July 1909

The Conisborough Agricultural Society’s annual show and sports came off yesterday in the football field, Park Road.

It was the twelfth annual festival so far as the athletics were concerned, but the agricultural department was only introduced some four or five years ago, and was so much appreciated that the fixture is yearly growing in importance.

The entries in the horse classes yesterday were above the average, and in some sections, notably agricultural foals, Hunter foals, agricultural yearlings, and plough horses, the prizewinners were of distinctly good standard.

With the increasing interest in the Society, the subscription list had grown from £26 to about £80, and for the day’s programme prizes valued at over £100 were offered. Among the prize-winners was the Countess of Yarborough, the patroness of the Society, which she helped establish by her influence and encouragement.

The athletic entry was also good one, and the arrangements made by the management committee all that could desired. The Conisborough Prize Band was in attendance, and an innovation, pleasing to the spectators, was a punch-ball exhibition by “Iron” Hague, and three-round spar with his brother, Johnny Hague.

The principal officials were:—Judges for horse classes Messrs. G. Wright (Beverley), E. Crossley (Doncaster), and J. Child (Worksop); stewards, Messrs W. Appleyard, G. B. Pashley, W. Milner, E. Appleyard and J. Appleyard; hon. veterinary surgeon and treasurer, Mr. W. W. Norwood; athletic events, referee, Mr. A. Purkiss (N.C.A.A.): starter. Mr. Charles Farren (N.C.A.A.).

The secretarial work was efficiently carried out Messrs. G. W. Laughton and W. A. Lugar.

During the afternoon the attendance numbered about 3,000.