Conisborough at Christmas

December 1899

Mexborough and Swinton Times December 22, 1899

Conisborough at Christmas

Any visitor to Conisbrough will now find that the shops present a gay appearance which goes to show that the chief festive season of the year is close at hand.

The butchers have a fair supply, but all the same the display does not come up to that of previous years.

The first shop visited was that of Mr B.J.Clarkson, New Hill, Conisbro who has an excellent show of fruit, cheese, hams, bacon and confectionery. The feature of the window displays of the samples of Elsac sauce, and other special leading line in Perfecto toffee.

Mr J Turnbull, Clothier, displays in his window alarge and varied assortment of winter clothing. He also shows many goods suitable for Christmas present, such as ties, silk handkerchief, mufflers, gloves etc

Mr G Appleyard, in his drapery department has a good attraction, and the shop should be visited if only to see the quality of the sheets, blankets et cetera which are being shown. The curtains which are also shown are worthy of mention. In the grocery department quite a brilliant display is made, and they provide everything in the way of goods for the Christmas cake.

Mr A Ridgitt, pork butcher, Ivanhoe buildings has a good supply of pork, and intends to give his customers a bargain if he is visited.

Mesdames Bryan and Jackson, London House have an excellent show of toys etc for the little dots, such as dolls or mechanical toys of every description, and for the elder persons may be seen some very useful articles for Christmas presents. They have a good display of millinery, including furs and underclothing, and babyish courts, and capes.

Mr G Clarkson, tobacconist, is given a grand display of cigars and cigarettes and holders for the same. He has also a good show of the sort of chocolate and fancy goods of every description.

Messrs Martin and Webster, grocerss and drapers have a good attraction in each department.

Mr G Goodlad, pork butcher, has a good supply of pork to dispose of. He has also killed two sheep which, if may be mentioned, took prizes at the Fat Stock Show at Doncaster.

Mr B Gabbitas, grocer, has a large variety of fruit for sale. He has a special line of spirits this year, and just recently has made a speciality of Liebigg’s malt wine.

Mr E Nicholls, pork butcher, has an excellent supply of a very good quality.

Mr J Drabble, wholesale confectioner, has a grand display of assorted chocolate, and various kinds of confectionery. He has also a good show of fancy article suitable for the Christmas time.

Mr G Osman, greengrocer, has a large variety of fruit for sale, and also small bunches of mistletoe.

Mr W Revel, butcher, is, as usual, making an extensive display. It is not generally known what a huge concern this business is. This week alone he will have killed five prime bullocks, and a special bullock, a prize heifer, bred by the Duke of Argyll, which took second prize at Inverness; two pigs, which took second prize at Doncaster Fat Stock Show; five sheep, also 11 pigs, besides one fat calf.

The Doncaster Co-operative Society, West Street, has a fin show of high-class mincemeat, and all kinds of Christmas fruit.

Mr G Harrison, newsagent, also gives a grand show of fancy articles of every description, and also very useful Christmas presents.

Mr G Sergeantson, West Street, Poultrr dealer, has given his shop the appearance it ought to have a Christmas time.

Mr H Vine, tobacconist, has a large quantity of cigars and cigarettes for sale and also has a special show of walking sticks etc

Mr T Pagdin, grocer, has a brilliant show of all the various kinds of fruit, and every variety of seasonal fare.

Mr E Baker, butcher,has also a good regular supply of meat.

Mr J Brocklesby, in his grocery department has displayed the usual delicacies associated more with this season than any other, including ordinary and fancy iced cakes, fancy boxes of chocolates and biscuits, arranged in a tempting manner. In the millinery department there is a grand display.

Mr A E Walters, pork butcher, has also a good supply and several mince pies and several large pork pies