Conisborough Castle

October 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 07 October 1932

Conisborough Castle

Those who dig in the Castle grounds do so in the hope of discovering something and are rarely disappointed.

Levelling is being carried out in the inner court yard and on the north-west side a large stone has been unearthed. This stone, a slab, five feet long, three feet wide and half a foot thick, was discovered by Mrs. L. Smith, wife of the custodian, and four men were necessary to move it, so that work could proceed.

The edges of the stone are bevelled on the front and sides whilst one long side was left in a rough state, suggesting that it had been built into the wall of some building. The stone as marked by five small crosses, one in the middle and one in each corner. Evidence has previously been discovered that on the inner side of the outer walls, there at one time existed “lean-to” buildings.

From traces in the foundations it is conjectured that there was a total frontage of over 100 yards with a uniform depth of feet. The marking of the stone supports a theory that at one time a chapel existed in the courtyard, in addition to that in the keep, and that this stone formed the altar. Colour if given to this theory by the fact that traces of faced stone appear in the walls, whilst pieces of mosaic and portions of stained slam have been found in the vicinity of this latest discovery.