Conisborough Chrysanthemum Show – Opening By Lady Auckland.

November 1889

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Tuesday 12 November 1889

Conisborough Chrysanthemum Show.

Opening By Lady Auckland.

Yesterday Lady Auckland opened, at the Church Sunday School, the fifth annual exhibition of chrysanthemums, in the presence of a fashionable company.

Mr. J. Blyth introduced her Ladyship and presented her with a handsome bouquet of  flowers.

Amongst others present were Lord Auckland, Captain the Hon. W. Eden, the Hon. Mary Eden, Mr. Leith Hay, Mrs. Hay, Miss Hay, Lady Mary Cooke, the Rev. G. Wood and Mrs. Wood. Major Johnson, J.P., Mr. Godfrey Walker, J.P Mrs. Simpson, the Rev. J. S. Alien, Mr. and Mr. G. T. Nicholson. Mr. Harold Booth. Mrs and Miss Sbarpe, Mr. Quintever, etc.,

Her Ladyship thanked the committee for their invitation snd expressed her admiration of the beautiful collection of chrysanthemums. She then briefly declared the bazzar open.

The exhibition, both in quality and quantity, was superior to previous years’ efforts. Cut blooms, specimen plants, and the Japanese collection of cut blooms were remarkably fine, and the same mark applies to the incurved and reflex.

Wreaths and bouquets of chrysanthemums attracted more than usual attention. There was an additional class this year of wreaths, not for competition, sent by Mr. George Bailors. There were some splendid stands of grapes, not for competition, sent Viscount Halifax (gardener, Mr. Wenman), and Mr. J. Blyth. The honours in the gentlemen’s class were divided by Mr. Blyth and Mrs. Booth, who each had a collection, whilst Mr. Twibey and Mr. Meggitt ran very close for the prizes in the cottager’s class.

Financially, the society is on a good foundation, and the show is in every respect in advance of its predecessors.