Mexboroug & Swinton Times, January 7, 1927
Conisborough Coal Thefts.
The Doncaster magistrates on Tuesday had six cases before them in which Denaby miners and pit drivers were accused of having stolen coal, the property of the Denaby and Cadeby Colliery Company, and valued at 1s. or 2s.
Mr. Frank Allen, who prosecuted, asked to be allowed to withdraw two summonses, against William Lambert and Albert Hinchliffe, who were summoned for having stolen coal valued at 1s. It appeared, he said, that the coal in these cases was not taken from wagons, but was picked off the tip, and having regard to the whole facts, he asked permission to withdraw the charges.
The application was granted.
Albert Jones, miner, of Denaby Main, and James Carmody and William Noble, two Denaby Main pony drivers, were summoned for having stolen coal valued at 2s., and both pleaded ‘Guilty.’
Asked why they had taken the coal, one of the defendant’s said they had had no fire for three weeks.
They were bound over for six months.
A similar course was adopted in the case of James Smith, dataller, of Denaby, who was summoned for having stolen coal valued at 1s.