Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 11 October 1928
Conisborough Council
Attack on Press Hotly Resented.
There were fireworks at the Conisborough Urban Council meeting last night, which included a dramatic outburst and criticism of the Press by Councillor J. Webster.
The Council were asked to confirm a minute of a committee suggesting that the bravery of two persons at a recent Denaby fire be rewarded and when Councillor Gillott said that one of suggested recipients had never been in the house, and that other people’s names should be added, then Councillor Webster declared that Pressmen had rushed to Denaby to get away column of news, and not having verified the facts gathered, had sent an incorrect report.
The Council decided to make inquiries of the police as to who took part in the rescue of the aged couple from the house.
Later in the meeting, the Pressmen in attendance objected to Councillor Webster s statement, Mr. L. Bewley saying the charge was unfair and uncalled for. The Pressmen had verified the names before the report was sent away. Mr. Webster asked that the Council should not be interfered with in their business in the future.
The Clerk ruled that the Press represented the public, and that if the Council wished to hear them, they could do so. A warm argument followed, and Pressman was characterised as a liar, which was hotly resented.