Conisborough Domestic Servant in Trouble.

December 1891

Mexborough & Swinton Times, December 4th 1891

A Conisborough Domestic Servant in Trouble.

Sarah Eliza Pearson, domestic servant, Conisborough, was charged with having stolen a comb, of the value of 8d., belonging to Mary Martin, of the Eagle and Child Inn, Conisborough.

The prosecutrix said the prisoner had been in her service about two months. She left last Tuesday. About a fortnight previously the prosecutrix found three pairs of gloves in the prisoner’s box. When subsequently searching the box, she found an apron and a purse belonging to herself. About ten minutes before the prisoner left, she (prosecutrix) placed the comb near the looking glass, and found the comb was gone. It was afterwards found in the possession of the prisoner. She told the prisoner she wanted it. She said she had not got it. The prosecutrix said she could prove that the girl had it and then she gave it to her. The value of the comb was 8d., and the gloves were about 3s. 6d. The purse was a present; it was worth 2s. 6d. The apron was worth 6d.

The prosecutrix said she should not press the case and wanted the girl to be dealt with as leniently as possible. The prisoner had no questions to ask.

Police-sergeant Ambler deposed that, on the previous day he received the prisoner into his custody and charged her with stealing the comb. She said, ” I stole it, because I dad lost mine.”

The prisoner pleaded guilty.

She was cautioned by the Chairman, and ordered to appear again in court in a month’s time, if called upon, but was told, if she behaved herself, she would not again be summoned.