Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 21 August 1920
Conisborough Fete.
A Rain-Spoilt Venture.
A fete held in the Conisboro’ Castle grounds, Thursday, in aid of the local War Memorial, and will, it is fatal to less successful than had been anticipated owing to the unpleasant weather conditions which prevailed.
In spite of this, there was a fair attendance at the opening ceremony, over which Coun. W. H. Jones presided, supported by Mr Frank Ogley, G.C, Mr Jesse Hill (secretary to the committee) and Mr W Lindsay, representing the National Federation.
The Chairman briefly outlined the objects for which the fête was organised, and remarked that it had been hoped to have the War Memorial erected in July, owing to difficulties with the stone, over which the contractors had no control, this had not been possible, but Captain Tyas given them an assurance that the work would be completed at the earliest possible moment.
When a fête was held two months ago, proceeding Mr Jones, he appealed them to make the funds into £300, and they responded so well that there was now a balance in the bank of Swindon £20. The war memorial was expected to cost about £500 and, in addition, they hoped to make a presentation to every local soldier will gain honour in the wall, but they felt that the work of commemoration the heroism of those who fell should be first undertaken.
It had been suggested that a more fitting memorial one be provided by the erection of a reading room, but in this matter there consulted the wishes of the relatives of the fallen, and the present scheme was accepted by them. It had also been suggested that the committee should appeal to the people, and not try to raise money by such methods as they were adopting that day, but he would remind them of the public meeting, attended by 700 or 800 people, and which he made a strong appeal for support. As the result of that appeal not one penny was paid into the bank, so was plain that if they had not taken the steps they had taken, they would not have had a balance at the bank now.
Mr Ogley then declared the fête open, and said it was there bounded duty to do all that they could to perpetuate the memory of those who had died in order that others might have peace, now and forever more.
A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr Ogley, who, it was announced later, gave a donation of £10 to the fund.
The following assisted at the various stalls: Mrs Drabble, Mrs Houldsworth, Misses M Edith and Elsie Curtis, Mr and Mrs Grindle, Mrs Noble, Mrs Curtis, Mrs Kirby, Mrs Greaves, Mrs Jones, Miss Jones, Mrs A Jones, Mrs Hughes, Mrs Cooper, Mrs Horsman, Mrs Troutt, Mrs Humphries, Mr E Turner and Master E Greaves.