Conisborough Gas Company Dividend

June 1888

Mexborough and Swinton Times June 15, 1888

A contemporary states that the Conisborough Gas Company seems in a more satisfactory position than it has beet for some time. To be able to pay a dividend of five per cent and to add £15 odd to the reserve fund, is a feat that the shareholders in the company have not many times experienced.

And this is all the more surprising, seeing that the income has been less, and that, in spite of this diminished income, the directors have, spent £16 in partly rebuilding an old broken-down wall.

The secret of all this is that the directors have been economising. If the income has been less the expenditure has been a great deal less. But the directors have not been penurious. The shareholders have not suffered with things being left undone that should have been performed. Everything needful the directors have had done, and only with those things where cutting-down could be practised has the pruning-knife been use.

Considering these things, it need not be wondered that the meeting on Tuesday was different from many.

Though questions were invited, no questions were asked. The report was agreed to, the accounts were adopted, and, in addition to all this, the chairmen and directory were thanked for their services. A more pleasant meeting has seldom been held, and directors and shareholders have each cause for satisfaction.