Mexborough and Swinton Times July 5, 1895
Conisborough Hospital Sunday
A Damp Day Damages the Undertaking.
The annual Hospital Sunday demonstration in aid of the Montague Cottage Hospital and the Doncaster Infirmary, took place at Conisborough on Sunday, but unfortunately the proceedings were considerably marred by the weather which was unusually showery, a heavy rainfall just before the procession started interfering with the muster of those intending to take part in the turnout while it also kept many away from the demonstration.
A still heavier fall of rain occurred when the meeting had hardly commenced and caused the proceedings to terminate most abruptly.
The procession, which presented an attractive appearance, consisted of detachments of police headed by Sgt ambler, the Yorkshire Dragoons on the quartermaster Sgt Pettit, the Conisborough Fire Brigade under captain Saville and members of the various friendly societies, with contingents of the Denaby and Cadeby miners, and the glass bottle workers. The Conisborough brass band, the Mexborough Railway Servants brass band, and the Denaby Main brass band supplied the music for the procession en route.
The procession halted in Mr Marshall’s field, adjoining the board School, where a meeting was held, the chair being taken by Dr McCall. The chairman remarked that considering the unpropitious state of the elements, the attendance was very good, and he hoped the finances of the two institutions would materially benefit as a consequence. He said the hospitals were well worthy of the best possible support, and it was gratifying that the people held this opinion. He warmly advocated the ambulance movement, and said he should be very pleased to see an arrangement whereby the services of a nurse could be secured in Conisborough.
Mr J Walton, J.P., the Liberal candidate for the division, whose attendance was very much appreciated, was the next speaker. He said that was by no means the first demonstration of the kind he had taken part in, hand he was only too pleased to help such laudable institutions, which should receive the cordial support of the whole community. He was glad that the members of the friendly societies had turned out in such strong force, and he proceeded to give a very interesting historical sketch of the friendly society movement. He maintained that friendly societies constituted a great national bulwark against pauperism. They were a strong force in favour of self help and self advancement. Today there was much discussion in reference to the question of old age pensions. No doubt the Poor law system was out of harmony with the civilisation and Christianity of the 19th century, and some well considered scheme of State aided old-age pensions would meet the support of every right minded man.
In considering that important question, it was necessary to see that they zealously guarded the interests of the great friendly societies, and did nothing to hinder them in their work by any scheme which might be devised. There must be nothing done to discourage thrift, self-sacrifice and self-reliance, or anything that would destroy independence of character, quality which had done so much to make prominent the English speaking people all over the world. (Cheers)
Owing to a thunderstorm occurring no further speaking was possible, and the proceedings abruptly terminated. There had been some opportunity for the singing of specially selected hymns, Mr Sharpe been the conductor and Mr Kilner Bateson the accompanist. The collection at the “gate” amounted to about £20 and Mr Walton kindly contributed £5. Mr Fowler ably carried out the arrangements, assisted by a working committee.