Conisborough Isolation Hospital – Medical Supt Welcomed Home – Half Yearly Precept

May 1935

Mexborough and Swinton Times May 3, 1935

Conisborough Isolation Hospital
Medical Superintendent welcomed home
Half  Yearly Precept

Dr. W. J. MaClure, of Conisborough medical superintendent of the Conisborough isolation Hospital, was at the annual meeting of the Doncaster and Mexborough joint Hospital board, on Wednesday, welcomed back to after six months leave of absence of recuperating his health.

Mr. Oliver S. Howden presiding, expressed the hope that Dr McClure had been completely restored to health.

On the proposition of Mr. G. O. Grandison (old Denaby) and Mr. W. H. Johnson (Mexborough), Mr Holden was re-elected chairman, and he issued a welcome to a large number of new members.

The most important business was the issue of precepts on the constituent authorities. The common bond precepts, in respect of the next half year, were issued as follows:

Mexborough Urban District Council £375
Thurnscoe £125
Conisborough £400
Doncaster Rural District Council £650
Bentley £325
Adwick le Street £300

They are unchanged from the last half-year.

The Maintenance precepts (for the half year ended March 31 last) were:

Mexborough £395 2s 2p
Thurnscoe £513 18s 3p
Bentley £197 18s 5d
Conisborough £513 18s 3d
Doncaster Rural District Council £817 11S 5p
Adwick le Street £316 14s 6d

Reference was made by the chairman to the able manner in which Dr. D.T.Clarke had acted as deputy during his absence. Mr. R. J. Troughton (Conisbrough proposed that a letter of appreciation to be sent to Dr. Clarke. Mrs. G. N. Pauling (Armthorpe) seconded and the proposal was adopted. Dr. McClure suggested that the board might care to appoint Mr. Clarke as deputy it would regularise his position at the hospital.

Mr. Paling asked if Dr Clarke would expect remuneration. Dr. Maclure replied that he would not the suggestion was approved.

The clerk (Mr Roy Bowers) reported that he had been suggested that nuisance could be got rid of by raising the chimney 12 feet. He had received tenders of £89 and £95 for the work.

Mr Troughton said he thought it was a lot of money. Local authorities were endeavouring to keep their rates down. When the matter was first discussed it was only going to be a minor cost now it had grown into a major cost.

The Clerk assured Mr Troughton that the cost of the work would not increase the boards precepts nor would they be reduced if the work was not done.

The chairman said he did not think it was a dear job. Dr McClure explained that they were not committing a legal nuisance.

The Yorkshire electric power company wrote asking for sanctions to erect an overhead cable on land owned by the board.

It was decided to inform the yet that the board did not object to the line being laid in the suggested course but it must be underground.

Jubilee arrangements for the children at the hospital were briefly discussed. Dr McClure suggested that they should try to make Jubilee day is much like Christmas Day as possible.

The board agreed and it was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the Matron.