Mexborough and Swinton Times April 8, 1916
Affrighted Horse
A horse attached to a cart by Mr William Wilson’s Ltd., Station Sawmills, took fright and bolted down Elm Green Lane on Monday morning.
Mr George Smithson was in charge, and tenaciously held the reins, and managed to turn the animal into the path of Station Road.
The wheel of the cart was smashed as it came in contact with the stone wall, on taking the turn.
Fortunately the trackless tramcar had not arrived, or a serious result would have had to be chronicled, as this is a dangerous narrow corner at the best of times.
Lecture “A Piece of Coal,”
Mr Lichfield gave a lecture, entitled “A Piece of Coal,” at the Wesleyan school last Thursday evening. Mr Walter Lawrence (manager, Denaby Main glassworks) presided. Mr Lichfield showed the method by which naptha, benzol, aniline dyes, etc. are obtained from the distillation of power.
Miss Clarkson sang a solo. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the lecturer, soloist and chairman.
A collection was taken for the renovating and the furnishing scheme of the Sunday school.
Air Raid Signals
Friday evening the gas lights were extinguished from the gasworks soon after 11 p.m. indicating that the Zeppelins were inland. The signal was repeated again at a similar time on Monday evening.
These frequent indications are entailing much hardship on this special constables who are losing their nocturnal visits.
Much local interest has nightly been caused by the beams of light flashed across the sky from the flashlights on Doncaster Racecommon.