Mexborough & Swinton Times April 10, 1936
Water Consumption
We used 9,692,000 gallons of water in March, giving an average of 34.7 gallons per head per day. This is a reduction on February’s average of 38.8, means that some leakages had been stopped.
Meat Report.
During March feeling the 43 animals were slaughtered for human consumption and seven pigs were killed on private premises. The meat Inspector comments at the quality of the meeting the open-air market varies very much. There is nothing he could actually condemn stop but much is on the borderline.
Motorcycle Spill
Swerving when overtaking a motorcar, a motorcyclist, Michael Brennan, of Cliff view, Denaby Main, caught the kerb in Doncaster Road, Conisobrough, on Friday. Pillion rider, Harold Roberts (39), miner, of Ivanhoe Road, Conisborough, was thrown and received injuries to the left shoulder and knee. The machine was slightly damaged.
“Little Dutch Girl”
This year’s production of “a Little Dutch girl” by the Parish Church operatic Society resulted in the selling of 1132 tickets, one more than last year, and a profit of £27 1s 1d, against last year’s profit of £28 15s 1d this was announced at a meeting of the committee in the vicarage, by the vicar, the Rev W. J. T. Pascoe presiding, last Thursday. There was an additional show this year, but the accommodation was more roomy and their production more expensive than in previous years.
Medical Report
There were 10 cases of scarlet fever and four of diphtheria in March. The ambulance made 15 journeys in March, covering 317 miles. The reports of the medical officer of health for the past quarter indicates that there was a birth rate of 19.7 per 1000, against that of the big towns of 15.2. There was a death rate of 11.5, against 15.4 infantile mortality (12 deaths) gave a rate of 137.9 per 1000 against the great towns rate of 81.3 During this quarter there were eight cases of diphtheria, 30 of scarlet fever, and one of cerebrp-spinal to the isolation hospital.