Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 04 September 1931
Conisborough Notes.
Church Matters
The curate at the Parish Church, the Rev. J. Ellis Robinson, is to be ordained priest on Sunday, September 2001. The Bishop of Sheffield will conduct the service in Eastwood Church, Rotherham.
There is generally good congregation at the Thursday evening service which inaugurates the harvest thanksgiving services at the Parish Church, but we foresee a bigger one than usual, for the preacher is the Rey. George W. Clarkson, M.A., Vicar of Aspull, Lancashire. There is no necessity to remind anyone of how Mr. Clarkson occupied the pulpit here in his university days. He is assured of a great welcome.
The Rev. S. Powley, vicar of Denaby, will conduct the Sunday morning service, and the Rev. d. H. Thornton, Vicar of St. James’s, Doncaster, will preach in the evening. The services are not till next month, and in view of the “summer” we have had this appears a sensible arrangement. How can anyone sing with gusto “All is safely gathered in,” when it is not? A change of tense would have been appropriate in recent years.
Clifton’s celebration follows on October 11th, and St. Andrew’s on October 18th;. margin of safety apparently.
There will be no sermon in the Parish Church on Sunday evening. Instead, some selections from the “Messiah” will be given on a radio gramophone. The musical effect has been tested, and the innovation should be successful.
Those who have recollections of past successes of the St. Peter’s Operatic Society will be pleased to learn that the next production will be a comic opera of an entirely different type from previous productions. It is a new opera entitled, “A. Slave in Araby,,” and I am told that there are delightful song, chorus, dialogue and dance &umbers in the two acts.