Conisborough Notes – Evening Classes – Baptist Chapel – Coloured Clay Pipes

October 1898

Mexborough and Swinton Times October 7, 1898

Conisborough Notes.

Classes in Conisborough

At the New Schools, Denaby Main there are to be held this coming winter, an evening continuation school, shorthand classes, ambulance classes and mining classes.

Why have we not an evening class of some – kind in Conisboro?

Perhaps our School Board will be giving this question their consideration some time.

Baptist Chapel

Thursday next, October 13, will be a great day for the Baptists of Conisborough and district, it be the occasion of the opening of the new Baptist chapel, which had been erected at the Lightenings, Conisborough.

Coloured Clay Pipes

What next? I see that Mr A Smith, tobacconist, Conisborough, is given a grand “Silver Cup” to the gentleman who colours one of his clay pipes the best. Now I have no silver cups given for various kinds of competitions, but I have never heard of one be given before the competition of this kind.