Mexborough and Swinton Times July 28, 1906
Conisborough Notes.
I think Conisborough is practically at a standstill. The holiday spirit is over others, and that being so, we cannot settle down to the regular discharge of social functions. Our teas, concerts, and convival evenings are consigned to futurity, and the parish council meetings – a never failing source of interest and amusement – take place but once. That portion of the populace which cannot afford to sun itself at our famous spas, take full advantage of the recreated resorts afforded by the castle grounds. By the way, the keep and the grounds are in splendid condition at present, and it is not at all difficult to weave romantic notions found the former nor to people the latter with besieging armies.
Mr Ward’s successor, the Rev. D. T. Mellor settle down in his new sphere of action. He has already done a great deal towards winning the hearts of the parishioners, and his frank, open manner has succeeded in making a good impression. He has also demonstrated his excellence as a preacher, and is not at all difficult to phrophesy for him a successful ministry in Conisborough.
Majority at Three Horseshoes
An interesting event that which took place at the Three Horse Shoes Inn, Conisborough, on Tuesday, when Miss Lizzie Crowcroft, daughter of Mr and Mrs G. Crowcoft, obtained majority. The parents of the young lady are well known and widely respected in the neighbourhood and consequently considerable interest was manifested in the celebrations. These took the form of a tea followed by a social evening there were some 50 guests, and the event was most pleasantly commemorated.
Baptist Leader
The Baptists in Conisborough are still minus a leader nor have they elected a successor to Mr Maxey. This is decidedly unfortunate, though, course, a certain amount of deliberation is necessary in the selection of a suitable person for the holding of that office
The clashing of hospital demonstrations at Denaby Main and Swinton has caused a certain amount of it is among the various bodies in the village. Invitations have been received from the secretary of each movement and well not exactly “’twixt the devil and the deep sea,” they are still left in a state of indecision. On the one hand the most important gathering is that at Swinton. At the same time, however, the people of Denaby have the claims of a neighbour so that in all probability the friendly societies etc, of Conisborough will someday figure in the church parade at Denaby Main,
Painfully Sudden Death
A painfully sudden death took place on Saturday morning, when a resident named Alfred Hague of Claremount Terrace, fell down in his garden and dying almost immediately. The deceased has suffered from a considerable time from an affection of the heart, for which he had been under the medical care of Dr Craik. I understand that through the instrumentality of the convalescent homes scheme the deceased was to have gone to the Southport seaside town for a period of rest and recuperation, all the necessary arrangements having been made for his admission. No inquest was necessary as the poor fellow had been under the care of the doctor a number of years off and on.
Nothing exemplifies more clearly the great change which has come over the village of Conisborough as regards a character of its population and the disturbances which are now of frequent occurrence in certain parts of Conisborough. Saturday night is a favourite time these disputes, which generally begin in the houses and end in the street. Time was when such exhibition would not have been seen in Conisborough from one year to another. There is one exciting cause of all these disputes, and curses – Drink!
The mission to the navvies of the Dearne Valley Railway works, which came to accomplish Monday last, has been very fairly successful. The services were held in a large tent which had been erected in a field at burcroft.