Mexborough and Swinton Times March 2, 1888
Notes from Conisbro;
In this district, we must consider ourselves very fortunate as regards the-small quantity of snow that we have had. Most of us have read of the tremendous weather experienced in the Peak district. Snow to the depth of eight, twelve and as far as sixteen feet is no joke.
News from a friend in Weardale, county Durham, says that the weather there is very severe. This reminds me of news I received daring the Christmas holiday from the same quarter and we were enjoying almost spring-like weather.
We have certainly had a good many samples, but not one approaching the Arctic severity of the Peak. ,
New Billiard Rooms
Winter is passing away and nature shows signs of putting on her vernal garb. The innkeepers of Conisbro also seem to be waking up to the fact that some amusement is wanted for the young men of the village. I am informed on reliable authority that two landlords are about to establish billiard rooms.
Inns Boycotted
While writing of publicans, I am reminded that three of the inns of the village are said to be “boycotted.” It is a fact that all the innkeepers of Conisbrough are either Conservative or Unionist in politics. ‘This and the way the election wen has displeased a good many of the frequenters of these three places, and, so it is said, the men are stopping away from their favourite “publics.’ It seems a childish way of taking revenge.
I am informed that the foundry, lately occupied by Messrs. Baker and Burnett, is about to to restarted by a Leeds firm. It was a bad job for Conisbro’ when it was stopped, and it is the fervent wish of many that this report may be true. The source from which I derived my information leads me to put some amount of faith in the rumour.
Confirmation Service
On Wednesday forenoon a confirmation service was held here. The officiating bishop was the bishop of Sodor and Man. Upwards of seventy presented themselves for confirmation, coming from the outlying villages and Mexboro’. The bishop gave an address full of practical advice not only for the newly confirmed, but applicable to others of the congregation. Dr. Bardsley made use of an illustration very apt and striking and full of beauty. I had the pleasure of hearing him preach on Douglas Head, shortly after he entered on his new duties, and curiously the same illustration formed part of his address then. II mention it simple because of the curiosity of tin thing.
A requisition is being numerously signed at the village of Conisbro’, desiring the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Company to allow the 3.53 express train from Doncaster to Sheffield to be stopped at Conisbro’ daily.