Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 5, 1895
Conisborough Parish Council
The Clerk had been instructed at a previous meeting to write to several landowners in Conisborough, asking if they were prepared to let portions of arable land for allotments. In reply to a request for 7 acres, Mr J Wigfall wrote to say that the tenant of the land in question was not willing to give it up at present.
In reply to a request for 10 acres, Mr W Mosey, agent for Lord Yarborough, wrote to say that all Lord Yarborough’s land in Conisborough was let, but the application would be considered.
The Chairman: That is very vague. (Laughter)
In reply to a request for 10 to 15 acres of grassland, Mr George White of Mexborough, agent to Mr Montague, wrote to say that the matter was one which required serious consideration, but it would not be until the year 1897 that any land would be at liberty in Conisborough for allotments.
The clerk reported that two applications for allotments have been received, one was as follows: “I beg to apply for 3 acres of land under the Allotments Act. I shall be glad to receive your early reply – yours R.H. Sharp.” (Laughter)
The other was as follows: “Having seen the report of the Council meeting, in which it was stated that the Clerk was instructed to write to local landowners for a allotments, I should like to apply for 3 acres of grassland in a field there is opposite my house, owned by Lord Yarborough. This would enable me to keep a cow – J Williams.” (Laughter)
Commenting upon the reply from local landowners, the Chairman said the chance seemed very remote of there ever getting suitable land unless they got compulsory powers.
Mr Norwood said that absolute denials and not been received from anyone, except Mr Wigfall.
The clerk said he had also called upon Mr Wigfall, were informed that he had a field on the common – (laughter) – he would sell.
Mr Holmes: You might have told him to keep it. (Laughter)
Mr Whitfield said the applications should be made sooner. They were just too late to be of any avail.
Mr Gillott: The Chairman has not been applied to. (laughter) I move we make application to him.
The Chairman: I can very soon answer you. (Laughter) what sort of land do you want?
Mr Gillott: 3 acres of grassland for a cow. (Laughter)
The Chairman: Do you wish to borrow it? (Laughter) because it is in allotments at the present time. (Laughter)
Mr Holmes seconded the motion.
The Chairman said the land referred to was in allotments at the present time. Did they wish him to take it from one man to give to another?
Mr Norwood, after consultation with Mr Gillott said he (Mr Gillott) was going to let a grass field if the tenant was willing.
Mr Senior moved that a deputation inspect the land in question and report to a later meeting. Mrs Milner second.
Mr Norwood said that was a step in the right direction. It showed that there is a tendency in the parish come forward and help the Council in this matter. He suggested that the deputation should further wait for Mr Bradbury and negotiate with a muscle letting of his fear.
Mr Holmes, Senior, Norwood and Gillott were formally appointed as a deputation.
Mr Robinson here objected to the tone of the reply from Lord Yarborough’s agent.
Mr Holmes said that personally he thought the replies as a whole were decidedly unsatisfactory. They amounted practically to an unanimous refusal to accommodate the Council with allotments. He thought the time had now arrived to put themselves in communication with the County Council. (Hear, hear) they were stopped completely. Perhaps Mr Gillott’s offer would prove of service. It was decidedly opportune.