Conisborough Parish Council – Fire Engine – Urban Powers

July 1895

Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 5, 1895

Conisborough Parish Council

Fire Engine

The Clerk read a letter from Godfrey Walker Esq offering the Fire Engine House at a rental of £8 a year.. He agreed to make the proposed alterations.

Mr Jones moved, and Mr Booth is seconded, that the offer be accepted.

At the end of the meeting the Clerk was instructed to write to Messrs Rose to send the engine when the engine house was ready.

Mr Norwood enquired if it would be necessary to go to the parish for the money?

The Chairman could not say.

Mr Orme sought a committee should be formed to look into the housing of the engine.

Mr Booth: We haven’t got it yet. (Laughter)

The subject then dropped

The Adoption of Urban Powers

The Clerk read a letter from the County Council relating to the Council’s application for Urban powers. Enquiries were on foot with regard to the application will stop

the Clerk had been also instructed to write to the parishes of Denaby and Cadeby, with regard to the formation into an Urban District of Denaby, Cadeby and Conisborough. A reply from Cadeby had been received, saying that any such scheme would be opposed. No reply from the Denaby Parish Council had come to hand.