Mexborough and Swinton Times, February 6th 1997
Conisborough Parish Council
The monthly meeting of the Council was held on Wednesday evening, Mr J Pagdin (Chairman) presiding.
The other members present were Messes Ogly, Hirst, Norwood, Robinson, Holmes, Singleton, Lee, Martin, Butcher and Mosby.
Mr Hawksworth (Clerk) was also in attendance.
The chairman called upon Mr Butcher who reported that the committee appointed to inspect the footpath had also visited the sewage works.
Mr Robinson: You were trespassing, were you?
Mr Butcher: No; they found everything working satisfactorily. The road from Mr Wilson’s mill to the Castle Inn was in a very disgraceful condition, and he thought it should be thoroughly repaired.
Mr Pagdin said the brook wanted fencing off from the end occupied by Mr R. Wilson to the bridge, and the brook side building up, and if the path was well ashed they would have a good footpath.
Mr Lee said the road at the Castle Inn was in a wretched state. There was plenty of stone but it wanted laying down, it only required Labour to make a good road.
Mr P a adgin said they should post and fence the footpath by the brook side.
On the motion of Mr Lee, seconded by Mr Martin, it was decided to invite tenders for doing this work, the general purposes committee to see the contractors and specify the requirements.
Fencing Castle Inn.
Mr Singleton moved that the Clerk request Messrs. Hewitt Bros to fence from the bridge on the dam side, nearest the Castle Inn, as at present it was dangerous to the public.
Mr Norwood seconded and the motion was carried.
Street Names.
The Clerk read a letter from the rural District Council, enclosing a list of Street names for revision, as a rural district council had understood there was an objection to some of the names.
In reply to Mr Holmes, the Clerk said no objections were marked in the list.
Mr Holmes thought the only objection was to the name of High Street.
After some lengthy discussion Mr Mosby move that from Mr Appleyard’s to the “Eagle and Child” be called Church Gate.
Mr Holmes seconded.
Mr Singleton moved that it be named as on the Ordinance map, High Street.
MA r Norwood seconded. – On the voting being taken Mr Singleton’s amendment was carried.
M. S. and L. Bridges.
Mr Lee rose to move that the M. S. And L. Railway company be asked to erect a footbridge over their lines by Conisborough station for the benefit of the Cadeby colliery workmen. They would all agree that it was very needful; it would be a great saving of time for the inhabitants of Cadeby, and especially for the work people. There were about 560 workmen travelling that way daily. Sometimes they went round and sometimes they trespassed and ran the risk of being fined, and were liable to be knocked down by the trains. It would be advisable to write to Mr Ward, of Cadeby, asking him to get a petition signed by the Cadeby inhabitants. It would be a great saving to them for getting to the railway station.
Mr Mosby suggested that the M. S. And L. Railway be petitioned, and also the Cadeby colliery company; he thought they would gain their object better by having both together.
Mr Holmes agreed that it would be a very great convenience to everybody.
Mr Pagdin said he had looked round, and could not think the railway company would put up a new bridge, they might extend the old one; and it would be very desirable to point out to the railway company that it would be particularly convenient to the workmen who travel by their line.
Mr Lee moved the following: “That the Conisborough Parish Council petition the M. S. and L. Railway company to continue the footbridge over both lines forward to the Cadeby colliery companies bridge, leading to their colliery, which will be beneficial to workmen travelling by rail, also for the benefit of the people residing at the glassworks and Cadeby village,” and also “that the Cadeby colliery company be asked to extend their bridge for the benefit of the Cadeby colliery work people residing at Conisborough.
Mr Mosby seconded the propositions and they were carried unanimously.