Mexborough and Swinton Times October 8, 1897
Conisborough Parish Council
The monthly meeting of the Council was held on Monday evening. Mr Holmes (Chairman) presiding. The other members present were Messrs Mosley, Robinson, Butcher, Smithson, Ogley and Harrison. The Clerk being absent through an engagement in Doncaster, Mr Mosley was appointed to take the minutes of the meeting.
Holywell Spring
Mr Butcher inquired if the deputation had been to Doncaster in reference to the Holywell Springs.
Mr Robinson said it had been overlooked by the Clerk.
The Chairman said the deputation had not met. They have fixed upon a time, which proved to be unsuitable so the Doncaster authorities. He had spoken to the Clerk on Sunday, to see whether Monday afternoon would be suitable, but the Clerk and informed him that Mr Lambert would be awake.
Mr Smithson thought they had plenty of time
Mr Ogley said Mr Nicholson of Conisborough and shown him an agreement similar to the Doncaster one, and was willing also to show it to any member of the Council who would call at his office. That would answer the same purpose as going to Doncaster.
Mr Smithson thought the deputation were to blame, as well as the Clerk for not having met. They should have stirred him up.
On Mr Butcher’s motion, it was decided the depredation to accept Mr Nicholson’s offer to inspect his agreement, is that do not satisfy them they would go to Doncaster.
The Railway Bridge
The Chairman reported that the depredation appointed to see Mr Chambers had met. A day had been fixed for the interview, but he had seen Mr Chambers before then and told him he did not think the deputation could attend, Mr Chambers did not take that for granted, and waited in his office. The deputation subsequently met him, and he had repeated his previous offer, namely, that the Colliery Company would either contribute £100 towards the cost of the bridge, if the railway company will put it up, or they would put one up themselves.
The railway company had accepted the company’s offer to build a bridge, but had laid down such stringent rules as to the materials to be used, which were to be sent to Manchester to be tested at the Colliery company’s expense, that Mr Chambers estimated bridge would cost about £300 £400, instead of about £120, and so he would not entertain it. He (Mr Holmes) agreed with Mr Chambers. They had talked about the Council contributing, but if the Council contributed, a right of way would have to be conceded to them, and Mr Chambers stated that they (the colliery company) could not do so without a further Act of Parliament. The matter was now between the Denaby Company and the Railway Company.
They will recommend to see Mr Fourdrinier, the railway company’s local inspector.
Mr Robinson moved that Mr Harrison second deputation which for Mr Fourdrinier respecting the matter.
Mr Robertson asked if any lad began to pay yet for allotments.
The Chairman said he was not aware. The Clerk had been told at the last meeting to obtain a proper receipt book.
Mr Harrison said there should be no more delay.
Lifeboat Demonstration
A letter was read from Capt Jones as follows:
October take the engine to the demonstration at Doncaster.
Capt Jones remarked that last year when they made a similar request the Council stated that they could take the engine at their own expense. This made it appear to the public that they had been asking for expenses, whereas they had not asked for anything in the way of expenses.
It was decided that the brigade take the engine to Doncaster to attend the demonstration.
Hosepipe or water mains?
A letter was read from Capt Jones as follows:
October 4th
“I have thought it my duty to measure and see, in case of a fire in the top part of the village, the distance we could reach from the town well with our present supply of hose, and I find we can only reach as far as Dr Craik’s and the police station the other way and Mr Norwood in Church Street. I think you will agree with me that we ought to have a larger supply of hose and I also think we ought to have another hand pump, to be kept at the bottom of the village, as it is a long way from the engine house.”
Mr Butcher asked what it would cost.
Capt Jones said he could not exactly say, but they require about 200 yards.
Mr Robinson asked how long it would take the engine to exhaust the Town Well? Would it last five minutes.
Mr Jones: Oh yes; if the brigade were called to a country house, and they found they could not get within 250 yards with the water, they would look like fools only to have to come back.
Mr Robinson did not think it right that the Parish Council should be called upon to supply hose as it was a District Council’s fault for not laying mains. Why should they have to buy 200 yards of hose because they had not water on?
The Chairman: This for the outlying district. I think this outlay will be about £20.
Capt Jones: Yes , I think about that.
On the motion Mr Mosby, seconded by Mr Ogley, it was resolved to offer tenders for the hose from Messrs Rose and Co , Merryweather and Co and Shand, Mason and Co and also that a Tozer hand pump be purchased. He
Mr Robinson voted against.